Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Living for the FAME

I just love Lady Gaga. She is everything I believe in. She's my kind of artist. I've been feeling a real need to express my art, recently. Everything. Writing, singing, dancing, acting, fashion...etc! The city is attracting me and other artist lately. Hopefully, 2010 will be the re-birth of Artistry in New York City. I love this city. I realized now that I've been holding MYSELF back. I used to blame it on the system. There are things that "The Man" does to make us feel we can't do it. But if your mind can achieve it, anything is possible. I just settled for things that I knew a could achieve. And although I know I am fully capable of doing ANYTHING, there was still something in the back of my mind. I felt I needed some validation. Something that told me, "I'm ready" but the fact is, people like me are Born Ready. We are born to do it all. We know at the end of the day, if you put a gun to our heads, we can do it. But why do we need a gun to our heads? Why do we wait til we have nothing at all to "Go for IT"?

Recently, I've been getting that itch. Yeah, you know. The I-haven't-gotten-any-in-a-year itch! It's maintainable. And I will be occupying a lot of my time, to get my mind off it. But still, there are always those gaps in between doing, where I start thinking. And I think about having someone to hold me when it gets cold. Being able to tell someone other than my mom and sister about my day. And they actually care to know. Someone to meet me for my lunch break, and eat in the park. It's funny, because I really can do without it. But I crave it. It's like wanting a cigarette in church. They say you can't have it all. I have two jobs now. And with the extra money I plan on sharpening my art and take singing, dancing and music lessons. I want to start designing my own clothes. I have so much I want to do, when would I find time for a boyfriend? Is it too much to hope there's a guy that is interested in the same things I am? I'm living for the FAME.