Monday, March 30, 2009

Touched for the Very First Time! gentle! I'm a VIRGIN! A blog Virgin. This is my first every blog! Thank you for coming to experience my first time with me. It's like a big orgy! Soooo...let me start off by introducing myself. Voni Vodka is the name. Take it how you want. This blog is a Hater Free Zone. We don't hate. We just give constructive critism. We keep it 100% real however, so if you can't take the heat, just visit on of our advistisers. I created this blog because I feel like Girls everywhere need something they can enjoy and feel empowered. But this is empowerment based off of love not hate. So if you see a firece picture of Beyonce, don't throw yourself in front of the bus because you're not her. Just look at it, and say "I can be fierce too!!!" You can! And you'll learn that through our journey together. I'm from New York, so you know it's the city that never sleep. And I have insomnia, so we go perfectly together.

First thing I want to touch on is for my ladies out there. There has been a lot of foolishness going on. And I put the blame on you all. These MEN or BOYS rather, are treating us like shit. Telling US what THEIR standards are. And we just happily go a long with their PLAN! I am here to stop this once and for all! I have serveral girlfriends that are just bootycalls. But they have no idea. Why? Because they were once nice, wholesome girls. They were the type of girls guys would want to take out on a date and make wifey. But now, they are so will to give up the COOKIE that they have been reduce to just sex. Now, if you don't get anything else from this post, let it be this: Your body is a temple! And if homeboy ain't willing to get on his knees and praise it, he needs to be excomunnicated. Let me break it down. ALL guys want sex. That's a given. Even the sweetest, nicest and most innoccent guy wants sex. So if you give it up, right matter how good it's already been conquored. So what's the point of getting to know you? You gave them what they want. So what if you have a great personality. So what it was the best sex ever! If you don't set standards for yourself and your man, who will? Not the man! It's like going to the store. You know if you want anything from the store, you need money. So why come there with holes in your pocket? If a man saw you like that, you know how much more fulfilling it would be? A guy would never come to a basketball game without a ticket. So why does he think he can come to your house without a commentment? Because he knows sales are low and you need to fill up a stadium.

I am actually in the process of reading Steve Harvey's new book called "Act Like a Lady, Think like a Man" and it is so empowering. It reminds women that WE are in charge!!! We are the ones that make the rules. It's like being in a bank with a semi -automatic! If you don't give me what I want, then all hell is gonna break loose. But the way you cause a scene is not by giving attitude! It's by giving them the boot. If you are a REAL woman, you know what you want. So why not be up front about it? If you're looking for a relationship, SAY IT! Don't sleep with a guy on a first date, and expect for a relationship to fall from the sky. You're kidding yourself. Just be real. Tell HIM! And if he doesn't agree, or his response isn't "OMG, me too!" then you need to accept that. He's just not that into! And thats ok. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure there are some guys you aren't that into. And don't try to convince yourself that he'll change. Because once again, you'd be kidding yourself. But we'll touch on that in future post.

So do me a favor my Graceful Goddesses. Next time you come across a guy you MIGHT be into, don't sleep with him right away. Give him a 90 day evaluation period. This may sound crazy, but it works. The best way for me to explain it is how Steve did. Now we all know guys tell little lies now and then to get what they want. And it's ok! Because if I were a guy trying to sleep with me, I'd tell me anything I wanted to hear too. So even though it's wrong, it's almost understandable. So think of this as a job opening. Now with any openinng, you might get some crazies, liars and unreliables. But out of all of the bullshit, there will always be someone that is reliable and eligable for the job. But even then, you always have to weed out the weak. How do you do that? With TIME! You can't meet someone the first day and expect to get a full view of who they are. It takes time. Eventually the "Representative" will disappear and the real person will come into light. That will let you know who they really are. How they REALLY handle situations. Will they stick around for the good and the bad? Or will they bail? It's all about seeing clearly.

So that's my dating rule#1 of the week. Evaluation and then penatration. And tell me how it goes. Take the 90 days as a chance to get to know him. The real him. See if he's someone even worth giving the Cookie to. And this means don't do anything that leads to a messiness.